Wednesday, October 31, 2012

View After the Storm

Life looks differently today than it did last Friday when I was sitting in the audience at Lincoln Center listening to the NY Philharmonic and Mahler's First Symphony.  I was struck then by the awesome level of mastery that that composer and those musicians had achieved in order to play that complicated music with so much emotion that it brought me to my feet with tears in my eyes. Listening to their level of achievement,  gained through hard effort and discipline over a long period of time, is where Saturn comes in.

Taking the time and patience to become a master at something is under planet Saturn's dominion.  The area of our expertise depends on what sign our Saturn is in at birth. This hard sought expertise is pointed out to us  in the beginning of our lives by a complete sense of anxiety, insecurity, fear, dread and  procrastination about those very same things that in the second part of our lives we gain proficiency in, as Saturn rules time.   Whatever it is we are afraid of doing is most probably the doorway that we must walk through, if we are to feel towards the end of our lives, that we lived a successful life.

Saturn, in its orbit around the Sun, moved in front of zodiacal sign Scorpio October 5th. The planet will be there for 2 1/2 years.  All those born the first 5 months of 1983 and September 1983 through November 1985 are having a return of Saturn to its natal place as it takes Saturn around 29 1/2 years to orbit around the Sun.  Those persons born in the previous cycle with Saturn in Scorpio have birthdays between October 1953 through January 1956 and May 1956 through mid October 1956 when the planet went into Sagittarius.  There will be a repetition of events now in the next 2 1/2 years for all those persons born in the above mentioned time zones.  (There will also be rebounding affects at the cross quarters, those born 7, 14 and 21 years inside this larger 29 1/2 year cycle-another topic for another time.)

The next 2 1/2 years is the time period to get crystal clear about our expertise which will: be discovered for the first time, will experience growing pains in, will have to make a deeper commitment to, will have to overcome our fear of, and end our procrastination with in order to feel a sense of achievement. Why? Because when one person makes the effort through hard work and is noticed by another it stirs that one to do the same.  Achieving inner satisfaction with a sense of self worth is very satisfying, which then allows you to give back to others from a place of wholeness and completion.

So what will those with Saturn in Scorpio become proficient in? Because astrological symbolism is as complex as human nature is, the mastery will/can be on many different levels: emotional self control, or lack of it, emotional independence or dependence; crisis management; penetrating investigation; transformational experiences, whether in the mind, body, or spirit; business acumen and management;  money matters, especially monies that come from everyplace else other that what we have earned, that is inheritances, insurance, investments, wills, monies that we have together with a spouse; affairs of the dead, as in psychics and mediums;  mysticism and the occult; detective work on any level whether it be a researcher, scientist, inspector or doctor.  Scorpio loves secrets and getting to the bottom of things.  Once set on a path they have an amazing level of endurance and forbearance, overcoming obstacles that would foil others.

I am also thinking about NYC at this time as having Libra rising, Scorpio is on the cusp of the 2nd house of money, possessions, tangible objects owned, resources. (5 boroughs incorporated January 1, 1898 12:01 AM.)  The city in experiencing this level of devastation is having a Scorpionic experience and will over the course of these next years become masters at moving from total destruction and annihilation to resurgence and renewal. Money will have to be spent on infrastructure and with Saturn in the house of money it feels like there is none to do it.  But with Pluto moving across their Capricorn Sun at the same time there is no limit to the possibilities.

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