Monday, October 15, 2012

As Promised Saturn in Scorpio

A promise given while Saturn is in Scorpio must be kept or there will be retribution to pay. Saturn symbolizes our commitments, responsibilities, duties, necessities, burdens, right and wrong, boundaries, the law, the workings of fate, our capacity for discipline and duty, consequences of past action, and what we manifest. Scorpio the fixed water sign (think deep intense emotion) coincides with Autumn and the Fall-when the natural world around us dies.  Do things really die or do they just transform?  Leaves turn from green to yellow, red and gold and fall off the tree, get ground down into the soil to feed the tree silently from underneath so that there can be a renewal in the Spring. Life is a continuing process of birth and death, waking and sleeping, no thing or no one of us escapes.

Scorpio rules serpents and scorpions, all that crawls along the ground and hides in dark places. A scorpion is the only animal that can kill itself with its own tail.  Our common human creation story has the serpent tempting Eve with an apple and the subsequent "fall" of humankind.  Yet the eagle is also the totem for Scorpio-the eagle that flies so high and has such keen vision but is also capable of taking its prey quickly and fatally. Scorpios are represented by the two extremes of the scorpion and the eagle.  They often do battle with different sides of themselves as their ruler is Mars, who wants passionate movement and action, and in Scorpio, control and power.

No preparation can be more helpful  for the next 2 1/2 years than a re-reading of J. R. R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. The book is about a journey and when Saturn enters a sign a new journey starts for each of us;  we have to walk through a threshold when Saturn enters a new sign. The trilogy begins at Bilbo and Frodo's shared birthday party September 22nd, as the Sun moves into Libra the sign of relationships and companionship. As the Hobbits meet the rest of their traveling companions in the first book, one of the themes is what it means to be part of an inclusive fellowship, with its compromises. A common goal binds them together. This is all very Libran.

But with the death of Boromir, the fellowship breaks up and 4 separate factions trudge on, each meeting intense trials and dangers, facing their greatest fears, having to endure beyond what can seem to be humanely (or Hobbitly) possible to achieve the goal of destroying the ring. No character is the same at the end of the story as they were in the beginning, or where they came in. This most certainly was their and is our Scorpio time, when intense focused effort, whether for good or ill, is in our control. We, like the fellowship, must draw on the hidden depths of reserve energy to endure and press on-never giving up no matter where it takes us. It is the passionate commitment to a goal that counts, with countless life and death struggles along the way.  

As Scorpio rules the mysteries of life, death, sex, goods of the dead, taxes, inheritances, wills, monies owed, debt, loans, business monies, insurances, the procreative act, passions, things hidden either in our minds or bodies, spiritual and psychological release, jealousy, revenge, undercover work and Saturn becomes a "reality check", we will see the effects of what we have done (or not done) in all the above affairs.  Saturn demands accountability and in Scorpio this is not a superficial glance, but a deeply probing intense look at any area of your life that perhaps you wanted to keep a secret. Scorpio loves secrets and if you are hiding something that needs to be brought out to the light, the next 2 1/2 years will bring it to the surface. Or if you are controlling someone or something that does not belong to you the consequences of that fixation will be manifest. It is in the letting go of the obsession that the redemption is found.

Because Scorpio has the most range of any sign (remember the serpent and the eagle) they have the capacity to dwell in a dark, depressing solitary place for a time but when the pain expiates, they can recover, come above ground, heal the wound by exposing it and soar above the earth gaining a wider perspective. There is embodied in Scorpio the need to journey down into the underworld, to uncover a buried burden or secret that is waiting to get exposed to the light, purified, transformed and released.  This could bring an intense relationship into your life if it is passing into your 7th house, or a thorough cleaning out of the basement or project to uncover your family genealogy if it is going into your 4th house of the home and family.  We all have Scorpio governing some area of our life.  The thorough house cleaning will be true for you in the area of your life where you have Scorpio on the cusp.

The last time Saturn was in Scorpio was December 1982-May 1983, then again August 1983 until mid November 1985.  The time we are in now corresponds to December 1982 and August/ September 1983, just at the beginning of the transit.  Looking back on that time and reflecting what your outer world looked like, will give you a hint of where Saturn will be focusing this time. If something significant started for you in your life, then you know that Scorpio is on an angle in your chart and Saturn crossing an angle means home affairs, partnership concerns, career endings or beginnings, or to a new round of personal growth is in store for you the next few years (and sometimes all 4 areas at the same time).

Planets cycle around the Sun; every 29 1/2 years Saturn makes a complete cycle. If there were lessons from 1982-85 that we did not completely catch, personal growth that we did not complete we now get another chance to finish. Living until 90 gives us only 3 times Saturn will be in Scorpio in our lives. Saturn rules old age, time and the harvest. Saturn is hard on youth because often we do not take ourselves seriously,or act responsibly. For a successful life, as we age, we grow into accepting who we are; Saturn brings a sense of security.

Hopefully the gains you have made as Saturn was in Libra, the sign previously, can be solidified into personal financial gains now, maybe starting a new business, or at least a reckoning that allows the truth of your financial situation to come to light. These past few years Saturn was in Venus sign, we learned what we did and did not like in relationships, we learned balance and fairness, what we loved to do, we beautified our lives. Now that Saturn is in Mars' sign our actions will be the focus. Is our work truly and deeply meaningful to us?  What do we really desire? Can we let go of any obstacles that are getting in the way of the realization of our dream? Can we cut out of our life that which has finished its useful life?

Fearlessly acknowledging the facts is what Saturn wants. He ruled the "Golden Age"in Greek mythology when all was right with the world. Peace, prosperity, harmony and stability prevailed.  No one worked and all was provided by the abundance of the earth. No sickness, suffering or aging occurred.  Everybody was responsible and acted in accord with the common good, not their own selfish interests.  We could do with a bit more of that these days.


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