Friday, February 3, 2012

Neptune and Pisces

One of the biggest astrological events of the year is today at 1:52 pm as planet Neptune changes signs, leaving Aquarius, the water bearer who sprouts out ideas, and moves into Pisces the sign of the two fishes moving in opposite directions, held together by a silver cord.

This every 14 year shift is significant.  Neptune is the planet that represents our dreams, visions, escaping tendencies, addictions, spiritual longings, denial capacity, longing for the unattainable, sacrificing capacity, martyr complexes, victim mentalities, compassion for the disenfranchised and those forgotten by society, selflessness, ego dissolving, gullibility, self martyrdom, mistaken illusions, sensitivity to everything around you, susceptibility, appreciation of idealized beauty, communion with the divine, imagination, creativity, and our believing in something that we want to come true, that we think is true, even though it may not be.

As Neptune entered Aquarius in 1998 we had the widespread use of the internet, introductions of Windows 98, Google and the IMac.  We became infatuated with the the lure of technology and the proliferation of information.  Just as Aquarius the water bearer pours out freely to all, without thought of merit or need,  Neptune's orbit around the Sun, traveling in front of Aquarius brought us the perception of the benefits of the technological revolution with its revolutionary gadgets, cell phones, Iphones, Ipads and phones that talk back to us.  We became enamored of all the quick and abundant information that this highway, open to all, and used by dissidents far away from each to start revolutions, in some cases, or bring injustices to light that would otherwise have been buried and forgotten.. Certainly there is some good here.

But as I heard a top surfer say on TV this morning, he liked the old way when the surfing world was really small groups of people at the various surf beaches all over the world trying new moves and visible only to those select few on the beach.   Today, if a surfer does some fantastic new spin the video goes viral and it is all over the world in a matter of minutes.  Not the same experience. Our allure with the vast use of viral videos will begin to fade.  Look at the news this week with the blackout of certain Internet sites to protest attempted legislation to restrict the Internet.  The rights of the individual versus the need to freedom of expression, where can we draw the line?  Neptune hates boundaries and technology has had none so far.

Now with Neptune moving in front of Pisces (in the Tropical zodiac) we are going to be idealizing all Piscean matters, not unlike Neptune's rulerships cited above as Pisces is ruled by both Neptune and Jupiter.  Pisces is a water sign so all things having to do with water, ocean storms, fish, the intangible, the unconscious, psychicism, sleep, poetry, liquids, boats, drugs, intuition, the sea, the mystical, water healing, energy healing.    The two fishes represent humanity's dual nature, human and divine.  They pull in different directions but are held together by a silver cord, joined but separate.    

As Neptune travels these next 14 years we are going to see a renewal in all aspects of the unseen in our lives.  Instead of having to call someone holding a device to our ears we are not going to need to do that.  We are going to use more of our spiritual natures, more of the unused portion of our brains and innate intelligence in the human body to create what we need and to effect our physical universe, without the hand held device.  More studies will come forth about the consequences on the sensitive human body of the overuse of these devices.

We will also see the sacrifices being made on the part of the disenfranchised exposed-(this has also to do with Pluto in Capricorn and the purging of institutions of all kinds).   There was a piece by Adam Gopnik in last week's NewYorker (Jan 30th) about the teeming prison population in this country.  Between 1980 and 2010 the number of people incarcerated has more than tripled. The US has more that 6 million people presently in prison -more than were in prison under Stalin at its height.

There are lots of changes in perceptions coming especially for you Pisces, Pisces rising people and everyone else as we all have Pisces someplace in our charts.  As a planet changes sign it also changes the department of life that the sign rules so as the clouds clear over our Aquarian idealizations and we see more clearly they are moving into Pisces placements and sensitivities.

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