Wednesday, September 14, 2011

On New York City

I have been thinking about New York City  and how often it has been in the news lately; an earthquake, hurricane and the events around the commemoration of September 11th is alot of activity for less than 3 weeks.  I looked at the birth chart for NYC Jan 1 1898 12:01 AM.  The City has 9 degrees of Libra rising with the planet of growth, expansion and success, Jupiter rising within minutes.  This is a very good augury for the successful launch of any person or place.  On the Midheaven is the sign Cancer at 11 degrees.  There was a solar eclipse this summer at 9 degrees of Cancer on July 1st, a point on the zodiac close to both the ascendant and midheaven of New York City. This puts emphasis on the most sensitive points in NYC's (or anybody's) natal chart triggering events and notice for the year.

Eclipses are powerful Full or New Moons that have resonance not just for the month they occur.  The points where they occur are sensitive for years. Even though this partial eclipse of the Sun on the 1st of July is over, the effects of an eclipse on one's Midheaven or destiny, or how you are seen in the world continues on especially when a planet like Mars passes over that point.  Every 2 1/2 years Mars comes to conjunct that one point in the zodiac and he was within 2 degrees, at 13 Cancer on August 23rd, when  the strongest earthquake in the East for 100 years, was felt in NYC. 

Also that day we had Mars making a 90 degree angle to Saturn in Libra, crossing NYC's ascendant and also the natal placement of Saturn in the USA's natal horoscope.  Saturn in the sky has returned for the 8th time since July 4th 1776 to the degree it was when we were founded.  This is interesting in that this Saturn return and earthquake happening in the East affected 11 out of the original 13 colonies, as ASTROTABLETALK blog points out.  We talked about the contraction that occurs when Saturn comes around as it is now for the USA.  NYC and the USA share similar areas of the zodiac and so when something happens to one, it affects the other too.

Mars the planet of activity, energy, assertion, and Saturn, the planet of physical reality, the end or stoppage, were the planets, when they came in contact, that signaled the worst of happenings, accidents, falls, deaths, fires etc. for astrologers before the modern era. In other words an astrologer in London in the 1700's would see those 2 planets in relationship connected with the city's natal angles (Ascendant and Midheaven) and predict dire things. 

Then 5 days later we had hurricane Irene affecting the same eastern states.  Although the shoreline were saved, the inland areas were devastated.  Who ever heard of a hurricane (or tropical storm) in Vermont?
This was the day of the New Moon in Virgo connected to the planet Neptune who rules the seas and earthquakes as well, in that they come from under the land.

New York City was also commemorating the 10th anniversary of September 11th.  This occurred on the weekend of the Full Moon.  The Moon was in Pisces and as it was predicted with the New Moon and Neptune and Hurricane Irene bringing lots of water so to at this full Moon are we in grief and mourning with tears as we remembered how all our lives changed that day. 

If we go back to September 11th, we can see from looking at the natal, progressed and transiting charts the effects on the city that day.  It is more than I can go into here but 2 things stand out.  One is Mars on that day was within 6 minutes of exactness to the progressed ascendant to NYC's chart (note the planet Mars again going over angle of a chart and how that stirs things up;  and secondly that summer the solar eclipse was at 0 degrees Cancer on June 21st, on the world axis (EVERYBODY notices what happens when something occurs at 0 degrees of any sugn that starts a season) followed by the Lunar Eclipse, at yes you guessed it, at 13 degrees of Capricorn.  This time that degree is opposite NYS's Midheaven and conjunct its natal Sun at 11 Capricorn.

The moral for would be astrologers-watch what happens when the planet Mars goes over a sensitive point, like an Ascendant or Midheaven that has been recently eclipsed.  That person or city or country will be in the news. 

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