Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day Musings

I read alot of the Sunday paper yesterday and was taken by how much our President is being taken over the coals.  It seems he cannot do anything right, even trying to pick an evening for a major speech became another newsworthy event where Obama is seen as "ineffective", "a mother-may I" president, "the nation's  deferrer in chief" (Frank Bruni in Pass, Fail and Politics in the NYT) and having "a deficit of smarts""(same source)  not to have forseen what the Republicans would do with his aquiescing to Boehner's refusual to give him the date he suggested for his jobs speech (first time in history).

I also read David Remnick in "The Talk of the Town" in the September 5th New Yorker.  Remnick writes citing a previous article in that magazine by Ryan Lizza about how the Obama administration "maybe moving toward something resembling a doctrine".  Furthermore Lizza wrote that one of his (Obama's) advisors described the President's actions in Libya as "leading from behind".  The presidential candidates and conservative pundits have taken up the banner "leading from behind" as a sure fire way to pillor the President. 

Lizza goes on to say that in forming this administration's foreign policy two unspoken and comparatively new tenets must be taken into account.  One is that the relative power of the US is in decline and the second is that the US is hated in many parts of the world.  In joining the action in Libya, and not leading it as the Republicans would have us do, Obama is displaying a new kind of leadership, the kind that builds consensus among allies first before going into interfere into another country's affairs.  This kind of leadership does not go around "trumpeting" wins. 

The astrology supports  the conclusions in the New Yorker.  America's power is in decline.  Look at our chart.  Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Neptune and Saturn are in retrograde motion, that is 5 out of the possible 8 planets (the Sun and Moon never go retrograde) are changing orientation to the Sun, which is our purpose.  As a nation we have moved away from our center and must in time be brought back. We are no longer going forward, but have to back track, to relearn pieces we didn't get right the first time.

The leadership that Obama is displaying is in his chart, as the country follows along with its leader's natal horoscope.  We have to live with and through the President's karma.  Obama's natal Jupiter, the planet of expansion and opportunity is at 0 degrees of Aquarius. Aquarius is an air sign and feels more comfortable in a group.  The Sun, ability to lead, is strong in August, in Leo, when it is high in the sky. (Obama is a Leo but his Sun is weakened by a square to the planet of illusion and egolessness Neptune.)  Aquarius is opposite Leo, the Sun is low in the sky in February, the Sun is weak there.  Obama is not looking for glory.  He has a sense that America has made huge mistakes since 9/11 and our reputation as a trustworthy leader is tarnished. 

We are moving into the Aquarian Age when the sign Aquarius will be stronger for good or ill (Sarah Palin. Dick Cheney, Glenn Beck are Aquarians).  The next Jupiter/ Saturn conjunction will be in December 2020 at 0 degrees of Aquarius.  These every 20 year conjunctions mark new stages in our cultural, political, social development.  More of a one world concept will be in evidence and Obama can be seen as a herald.

As to his troubles right now, his progressed Moon is at the end of Pisces.  In a month and 1/2 his Moon will move into the next sign Aries, run into Uranus and his progressed Sun.  He will get fired up again and do something surprising.  It will be a time of illumination as he will be entering the progressed full moon stage of his life when one gets to see the bigger picture.  Pisces is not the sign to do any combat, you feel and just want to include everybody in your heart.  Aries is a whole different ball game, you get back on your horse.  The President's progressed Moon moving into Aries starts a new personal cycle around the wheel of life.

1 comment:

  1. Kate,
    Many thanks. As usual succinct and clear. The Chinese say "To live in interesting times" is a gift. We have it in Spades, it seems. Obama is a man of destiny as his amazing progression has proved. He is being crucified in all respects, but remains true to his path, and it is to be hoped that Aries lights some fires in his belly as you suggest,
