Thursday, April 19, 2012

One Last Mars/ Neptune Reminder

People are always coming up to me and repeating what I told them, "Things will get better after Mars moves ahead again, right?"  "Yes" I say, but the question becomes," better for what?"  Mars stationed  last Friday the 13th at 3 degrees of Virgo, looked across the zodiac and  planet Neptune was staring back from 3 degrees of Pisces.  This means several things to a person interested in using astrology to move in concert with the times.

One is that any action we take from now until March 2014, the next station of Mars, will have to incorporate all that Neptune signifies. Neptune is the planet of spirituality, self sacrifice, dreams, false hopes, visions and artistic pursuits. There will have to be a spiritual or artistic component to our actions in order to be completely authentic, unless we succumb to Neptune's illusionistic tendencies (always possible).

If you are designing a health regime (Mars in Virgo) for your self, you will be motivated more from a spiritual place, that is to rid the body of toxins (Neptune), or gain more clarity (clearer visions). Yoga is a perfect Mars/ Neptune pursuit.  If you are pursuing a new creative endeavor, activities such as writing poetry, playing an instrument, starting an art class or joining a choir are perfect. If you are involved in work and an opportunity take on a new altruistic cause is presented that too is supported.  Any activity that needs a meditative focus (including meditation itself of course) or involves self sacrifice for the good of someone else is highly recommended.

It is also interesting to witness the events in the outer world that materialize over the time span that Mars and Neptune are conversing.  Last weekend was the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic;  the media was full of all the heartbreaking stories and scandals. If the You Tube videos, "Why They Sunk the Titanic" that astrologer Erik Francis brought to my attention, are to be believed it was actually her sister ship the Olympic that went down.  This is one of many mysteries surrounding the Mars/ Neptune event;  Mars (accidents, activity) and Neptune (oceans, sacrifice/ loss, frauds). We were enthralled in remembering that tragic event this past weekend as Mars and Neptune opposed one another in the sky.

Another event in the news this weekend was the Columbia women/Secret Service Presidential advance men alleged sex (Mars) Neptune (scandal). After a dispute over money, the participants turned the party into a scandal, which made headlines.  It is also in the news that our soldiers (Mars) coming back from the Middle East since 2007 are reporting a 35% increase in the number of psychological problems (Neptune). The VA has to hire more professionals to heal (Mars) the sick (Neptune).

From my own life, I went to the movies last night and saw "The Way" with Martin Sheen. A father takes his son's ashes to finish the 1,000 km walk (Mars) from southern France to the Cathedral Santigo de Compostela  in northern Spain to come to terms with the meaning (Neptune) of life his son had chosen.  It was a spiritual journey.  (Mars/Neptune).

One last thought-both planets are moving slowly so we have many examples from life of some of the many possible manifestations.  Please do not feel if you have not already decided upon your own spiritual journey, that you have missed the boat (Mars/ Neptune). Neptune has a way of making us indecisive as to what action to take. You have from now until March 2014 to come up with something.   If you do want to start this month -best advice- wait until Saturday when the New Moon occurs at 3:20 AM EDT.  Always better to begin any new adventure after the Sun and Moon have married, and the tide is with us.

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