Monday, March 12, 2012

What's Up???

I don't know about you but I didn't think things could slow down more than they already have with Mars in apparent slow motion, but now we have to add Mercury to the list of situations that coincide with stumbling blocks.  We look to the motion of the planets in signs as symbols, that give us meaning not causes, of the situations in our lives. As of tomorrow morning at 3:45 AM  Mercury, in the same degree of the zodiac since March 8th, will finally move from apparent standstill to apparent backwards motion. Astrology is about finding meaning in our lives, if one is interested that is.

The Mars retrograde period affects Scorpios and Aries individuals, making them less forceful and passionate in Scorpios case and less bossy with Aries.  When planet Mercury does its loop it affects Geminis and Virgos more strongly because they are ruled by him.   Mercury is apparently stopping at 6 Aries after having passed over the planet of upsets and surprise, Uranus, last week on the 5th.  Uranus is our planet symbolizing lightening strikes, sparks of genius, surprises, mental awakenings and lots of nervous energy.  The current retrograde motion of Mercury means that Mercury will back track and come back to Uranus again on the 18th-inciting that same nervous energy and then for a third time on April 22nd, after Mercury goes forward again on the 4th of April at 23 Pisces.  So watch  what happens in your life between now and the 22nd of April and see how your thinking has changed.

This will affect everybody in the part of your chart that holds 6 Aries to 23 Pisces.  Aries wants to start something and Pisces just wants to let things float and see what happens.  They are very different energies-but lie adjacent to each other.  Our need to be part of the collective in Pisces gives way to the Arian initiatives that are inspired by our Piscean meditations. Mercury as the messenger of the gods, is the only one who could leave Olympus and go into Hades and come back (very important!).  Therefore looking for symbolism-Mercury is going to bring up some new information that you might not have noticed before-or somebody kept hidden from you.  This will have to do with selling, buying, travelling,communicating, young people, teaching, learning, negotiating, thinking.  Do all projects with the words" re" in the beginning and finish up old projects before starting new ones.

One other thing-be sure to look up in the evening sky these nights and watch Venus and Jupiter come closer and closer together.  Venus is brighter and on the right.  Jupiter is on the left.  They will conjoin early morning on Thursday the 15th.  The combination can coincide with some over indulgence.  Venus is love and money and Jupiter is lots of it.  In spite of the fluctuations of Mars and Mercury, we will be able to focus in on our hearts desire and allowing for some extra time and renegotiating be rewarded with actually obtaining our hearts desires.

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